All of our dogs come with a free standard ISO microchip. Every microchip is unique and can be activated using a scanner that will display the microchip’s assigned ID number.
The microchip is usually implanted under the loose skin between your dog’s shoulder blades. A microchip normally lasts for 25 years. The microchip is not a GPS tracking device and therefore cannot be used to track your dog’s location. You should register your New Doggy’s microchip at your local veterinarian at your earliest convenience. It is also important to keep your contact details in the microchip registration database up to date so you can be easily reached if your dog gets lost.
Microchip Standards
The idea behind microchipping is that when a lost dog is found, it is taken to an animal shelter or pet clinic where they can scan the dog for a microchip to reveal its ID number. It is important to note that there are ISO-standard and non-ISO-standard microchips. The difference is the radio-wave frequencies transmitted by the scanner to activate the microchip. The frequency of our ISO standard microchip is 134.2 kHz. In the U.S.A. there are 125 kHz and 128 kHz frequency microchips too. We also recommend using universal scanners called forward- and backward-reading scanners. These scanners detect all microchip frequencies (134.2 kHz, 125 kHz, and 128 kHz) and therefore a chip in a lost dog is more likely to be detected. Forward-reading scanners only activate ISO standard (134.2 kHz) microchips, but will not detect non-ISO standard (125 kHz and 128 kHz) microchips.